Sewa Apartemen Kebagusan City Jakarta Selatan Type 2BR Furnished

12 December 2023

Harga Jual

Rp. 6.5 Juta
Luas Bangunan: 40 M2Kamar Tidur: 2Kamar Mandi: 1Apartment Name: Kebagusan CityLocation: Jl. H. Baung, Tanjung Barat, Jakarta SelatanTower/Floor/View: A/Midle Floor/City ViewSize: 40 m2Bedroom: 2Bathroom: 1Condition: Full furnished good and clean.Facility: Swimming Poolparking Area Children Playground Security System 24-hours Elevators Free parking laundry ATM centermini marketetc...Additional Info:Main access TB Simatupang toll toad (JORR) easy access to / from Tanjung Barat Railway Station and Ragunan Busway Shelter.Suitable for employees or students around TB Simatupang Lenteng Agung, Pasar Minggu, Depok, etc.Near office buildings (Nestle, Antam, Siemens, Arcadia Tower, Trakindo, Elnusa, Ratu Prabu, Ministry of Agriculture, etc) and Universities (Pancasila, IISIP, Universitas Indonesia, Gunadarma).Easy access to Ragunan Zoo, Cilandak Town Square, Pondok Indah Mall, kemang Village, Pejaten Village Mal.Rental Price: Rp6.500.000/MonthContact: Wina : 0812 1329 1858WhatsApp: 081213291858E-mail: thejonesjakarta@gmail.comid : 13263#apartemenbaru #apartementerlaris #apartementerbaru #apartemendisewa #apartemenjakartaselatan #apartemenjagakarsa #apartementanjungbarat
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